In an op-ed this week, Senator James Inhofe wrote that the American Clean Energy and Security Act will have a “devastating impact on the economy… cost millions of American jobs” and result in “higher electricity prices in our homes.”
Van Jones' sucessor, Phaedra Ellis Lamkins formerly Executive Officer of the 110000 - member South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council, and Executive Director of Working Partnerships USA on Anderson Cooper.
I must say Ms. Lamkins comes across as a nice person with enthusiasm for her message. Too bad it is JUST NOT THE TRUTH.
Green for all is a special interest group founded in September 2007 by Former Green Jobs Czar and self styled communist VAN JONES, who resigned late on a Saturday night on a holiday weekend this fall after it was discovered that he was associated with the 9/11 Truther movement.
Green for All stands to make anywhere from MILLIONS to BILLIONS training workers for "green jobs" that are still non-existant. This money was earmarked under the Stimulus bill passed in February 2009.
Upon first glance, Green for All appears to be just another environmental activist/advocacy group in California. Once you scratch the surface you see that they exist only to promote Socialist policy - Environmental Justice and Social Justice. They are a conduit through which the Obama administration will turn these redistributive plans into action - all at the expense of the taxpayers.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THIS RECENT NEWS: On December 8th, 2009, Ms. Lamkins and Green for All got a seat at the table with President Obama and representatives of SEIU and Google, and well known leftist economist Paul Krugman at the Whitehouse jobs summit. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE WERE NO REPRESENTATIVES OF SMALL BUSINESS AT THIS SUMMIT - the US Chamber of Commerce, Better Business Bureau & the National Federation of Independent Business were not invited to the summit because of recent criticism of Obama and his policies. (see video: jobs summit - green for all) and today on FoxNews discussing the "Green Economy"
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