This article by Seton Motley, originally posted on is one of the best around on the issue of "Net Neutrality" and the FCC's "National Broadband Plan" This article may be a bit old, it is still very pertinent, since the Obama Administration and his FCC appointees have been forced to relegate "Net Neutrality" to the back burner due to the ongoing healthcare debacle on Capitol Hill.
Diversity Czar Lloyd & Marxist McChesney's Censorship Dream: The FCC's Plan for Government BroadbandThe Wall Street Journal's intrepid and very good Amy Schatz has a piece today updating us on the progress of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)'s National Broadband Plan.
With all that we have thus far seen, things look quite grim from a free speech, free market perspective. The groundwork for government information totalitarianism - favored by people like Hugo Chavez-loving FCC "Diversity Czar" Mark Lloyd and Marxist "media reform"-outfit Free Press founder Robert McChesney - is being laid in the Plan being crafted by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.
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